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Welcoming a New Year with a New Blog!

Greetings everyone, Lauren here..

So, I have to confess something to you... I originally started this blog in April 2020 but because of the sadness, stress, and countless hours stuck at home like everyone else, I really couldn't find things to talk about. I wrote three posts as an introduction to my blog site and that was it.. so I decided to take them down from public eyes and revamp my site once again. You see, a couple of years back, I began my blogging journey on It was fun, but now that I’m a little older and wiser than teenage Lauren, I thought it would be fun to start a new blog, in a new decade from when I started the last. So here it is Live, Love, Lu, Life Through My Eye’s.

Here’s a little background about me, I was born almost twenty-two years ago in the East Coast of Florida, unlike most babies, I was born with a “disability” called Apert Syndrome. To explain what that is and how it’s effected my life is a whole blog post within itself that I will re-publish again but I am saving it for a special month.. Anyway, growing up, I had an amazing childhood, my mother and grandmother homeschooled my sister and I, my dad flew cargo planes and most of the time came back with trinkets and stories from around the world, we went on lots of family vacations, stuck together when I was in the hospital during surgeries, and enjoyed life while spending hours at the barn riding horses, leaning everything we could during school, piano and dog agility lessons, and were happy kids/young teens living life to the fullest.

My later teenage years had lots of ups and downs. I moved out of my childhood home, my parents divorced, I finished High School with the best homeschool group a girl can ask for, I had two foot surgeries that changed my life and one tooth surgery that almost took my life, I accepted who I was fully, I found an extended family (Camp Superstar), I went on lots of adventures, and just lived, laughed and loved every minute of it. Now you are caught up to where present Lauren is at.

Since I last posted (June 2020) many things have happened, the Coronavirus has tragically risen to 2.4 million deaths worldwide, stores have closed and reopened with tight safety precautions, everyone's plans were canceled for the rest of the year just about, and "normal" life was dwindled down to a memory. The Coronavirus and 2020 itself has been tragically frightening and utterly painful for the world.

I started writing again in 2020 because I felt lost in the beginning stages of something I never could have imagined would be still hitting our world today. And now, I'm starting to write again because I've moved to a new town, started a new school, and have survived a pandemic where millions of lives have been taken. I have all these new thoughts, feelings, and dreams in my heart just wanting to be told so bear with me and I hope to stay committed to doing just that as I start a new chapter in life.



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